概述 of Generation Interconnections

As co-participants in the California energy market, certain Interconnection Customers (ICs) may require an interconnection with 西班牙&E-owned electric transmission facilities in order to transact in the energy marketplace.

Potential ICs should review the following information when applying for electrical interconnection with 西班牙&E-owned transmission or distribution facilities.

Before a meeting can be established with 西班牙&E to discuss interconnecting a potential generation project, the IC needs to enter the project into the appropriate generation interconnection process, by identifying whether the project will be interconnecting to the 西班牙&E 传输系统 or 分配系统.

传输系统 -连接在69kV及以上

分配系统 - 12点连接.47kV及以下

The IC is to complete the appropriate Interconnection Request form (IR) and provide the required study deposit for the project to enter the appropriate study queue.

西班牙&E Generation Interconnection Request Queue

西班牙&E WDAT互连队列
西班牙&E WDAT互连队列
西班牙&E WDAT & 规则21互连队列
西班牙&E WDAT & 规则21互连队列

西班牙&E provides non-discriminatory access to the grid for all generation projects that request interconnection to the grid under Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) regulations, the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) Tariff and the 西班牙&E关税.

Interconnection Information and Map


圣地亚哥天然气 & 电气(西班牙&E) transmission system (69 kV and above) is under the operational control of the California Independent System Operator (CAISO).  Interconnection of generation facilities to the 西班牙&E transmission system is subject to the CAISO Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved Generation Interconnection Procedures (GIP) tariff.  Projects proposing to interconnect to the 西班牙&E transmission system (transmission lines and transmission substations) are studied in a cluster.  In order to evaluate the feasibility of an individual project, as far as transmission capacity is concerned, all projects in that cluster need to be considered to identify the available capacity. 

The transmission system included in the map on this web site provides the transmission information regarding the outlet capability from the distribution substation by indicating how the distribution substation/system is integrated into the transmission network.  This provides interconnecting customers information regarding the power flow capability from the distribution substation onto the transmission system.

西班牙&E传动系统, and generally the larger CAISO managed transmission grid, is configured as a network electrical system. The nature of a network transmission system is such that it requires a specific suite of studies to identify the available capacity on any transmission or substation within the network.  The networked characteristic of the transmission system serves in providing flexibility, unlike a radial system (distribution), in redistributing the power flow when an element of the network is out of service for maintenance or is forced out.

