
You must contact your CCA if you choose to opt out of the program. Opt-out requests can only be processed by your CCA. CCAs are required to inform you of the opt-out methods available while your area is transitioning to CCA service for the first time or when you start electric service within an existing CCA area.

You may opt out of a CCA program during the 60-day notification period when your account is enrolled with a CCA provider without terms or restrictions.

Opt-out of CCA, return to 西班牙&E

You may request to opt out of a CCA after the initial 60-day enrollment period at any time, 然而, 回到可持续发展目标上来&E’s Bundled Service (BPS), we need six months advance notice to procure electricity on your behalf.  A 6-Month Advance Notice to Return to BPS should be completed and submitted to your CCA, if you choose to return to bundled service.

你可以回到可持续发展目标&E bundled service without six months’ notice, 然而, you’ll be billed on 西班牙&E’s transitional bundled rate (TBS) until six months after we receive the opt-out service request from your CCA.  The TBS rate may be higher or lower than the bundled electric generation rate. 

If you opt out of CCA after the notification period, you’ll be required to make a twelve-month commitment to 西班牙&E的捆绑服务.  Time spent on the TBS rate counts towards the one-year commitment.


If you’ve previously opted out of your CCA program, you may return to the CCA, after the twelve month commitment has been met.   We request that you provide six months advance notice if you are planning to return to the CCA.  请填写 6-month Advance Notice to Return to CCA, and submit it to your CCA if you choose to return to the CCA program.